Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Victoria's Secret Luncheon

JAGs B-Day Cake For March!

Eva Fontenot, our newest JAG!

Krystal & Eva (Krystal's Grandmother)

Lana surprised by her brother Dalton

Lana had everyone in tears!

More tears!

Leisel & Riley

Leisel was our only Birthday Girl!

Patti, Shawn & Maria

Riley & Yuridia

JAGs socializing...

Shawn & Turquoise

Vanessa our newest JAG!

Eva & Vel

JAGs at Victoria's Secret!

JAGs love to shop!

Vicki & Lanna

Vel & Vicki

The Keough Family, Lanna, Vicki & Dalton!
Elaine, Shawn & Patti
Few of the JAGs stagged camera shots!

Shopping is what we do best!

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