Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Victoria's Secret Luncheon

JAGs B-Day Cake For March!

Eva Fontenot, our newest JAG!

Krystal & Eva (Krystal's Grandmother)

Lana surprised by her brother Dalton

Lana had everyone in tears!

More tears!

Leisel & Riley

Leisel was our only Birthday Girl!

Patti, Shawn & Maria

Riley & Yuridia

JAGs socializing...

Shawn & Turquoise

Vanessa our newest JAG!

Eva & Vel

JAGs at Victoria's Secret!

JAGs love to shop!

Vicki & Lanna

Vel & Vicki

The Keough Family, Lanna, Vicki & Dalton!
Elaine, Shawn & Patti
Few of the JAGs stagged camera shots!

Shopping is what we do best!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Bra Bonanza, March 19, 2011

Click here for details of event

Do you know Victoria's Secret?.... 

Also if you have not paid dues for this event, please bring cash to this event. As far as April dues, you may pay in cash or check, and please pay at the Victory/ Lane Bryant events (3/19/2011). 

Monday, March 7, 2011

Changes to info list

Hey ladies,

Krystal, and Elaine's email was incorrect on the list I sent out so I changed them and updated the information list. Tina I am still trying to figure out what is wrong with yours, sorry.

Well I hope that all is well with everyone.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Introduction Meeting

Just Among Girls

 February 26, 2011--> Was the first official meeting of J.A.G. JAG members are working women about fun times, social networking, making new friends, empowerment, and guiding young women. We all enjoyed food, fellowship and outlined the monthly events.

The blog will be here if you need any information about upcoming events and also displaying photos of the clubs outings. Again thank you for being a part of the group and we look forward to seeing you again.